Pollenallergie bei Hunden: Was Du wissen musst! - AniForte

Pollenallergie bei Hunden: Was Du wissen musst!

Der Frühling naht, doch das sorgt nicht immer für gute Laune! Er kann für viele Hunde eine herausfordernde Zeit sein, da die Pollenflug-Saison beginnt und Allergien bei Haustieren auftreten können....
Hund Tablette geben - einfach & stressfrei! - AniForte

Hund Tablette geben - einfach & stressfrei!

Die Gesundheit unseres Vierbeiners liegt uns am Herzen, und manchmal ist die Gabe von Medikamenten unvermeidlich. Jedoch steht jeder Hundebesitzer früher oder später vor der Herausforderung: Wie ge...
Darmkur für den Hund - So gehst Du vor! - AniForte

Intestinal cure for dogs - how to proceed!

The connection between our dogs is indescribable - not only emotionally, but also physically. So you will also notice if your dog's well-being is impaired. Everything revolves around the gut. No ma...
Hund leckt sich die Pfote: Ursachen & Behandlung - AniForte

Dog licks its paw: causes & treatment

Why does your dog constantly lick his paws? This can be a simple cleaning instinct, but it can also be a sign of more serious problems.
Die Temperaturen steigen und die Zeckenzeit beginnt. - AniForte

Temperatures rise and tick season begins.

As a rule, ticks become active at a constant temperature of over 7 degrees Celsius, but the geographical location, climate and weather also play a major role. As soon as the ticks become active, th...
5 Tipps für die Beschäftigung mit Snacks - AniForte
beschäftigung hund

5 tips for dealing with snacks

5 tips for keeping your dog busy with snacks This way, you can integrate tasty snacks perfectly into everyday life and also offer your dog a change and something to do. After all, it's not just phy...
Erfolgsgeschichte von Bibi - AniForte

Bibi's success story

Hey paw friends, I'm Bibi, 4 years old and I'm originally from Italy. My dog parents adopted me from the animal welfare adopted me. Even though I was supposed to enjoy my life to the full from then...
Die richtige Pflege für Deinen Hund - AniForte

The right care for your dog

Support your four-legged friend with the right care for their eyes, ears, paws and teeth. With our natural care range , you are perfectly equipped and can really pamper your dog. Especially in the...
Immunschwäche Hund – So stärkst Du das Immunsystem Deines Lieblings - AniForte

Immunodeficiency dog - How to strengthen your pet's immune system

Have you often thought about how you can strengthen your dog's immune system? And whether this is even necessary?