Verwöhnprogramm für Katzen - AniForte

Pampering program for cats

Has your cat been to the vet, or have you been traveling without your cuddly tiger? Or do you just want to spoil your pet? With the following tips, you can make your cat purr and strengthen your re...
Urlaub in der Katzenpension - AniForte

Vacation in the cat pension

Are you considering placing your cat in a cat boarding facility? Our veterinary practitioner Katrin explains how to recognize good cat boarding facilities. | AniForte.
Arthrose bei Katzen - Gelenkprobleme natürlich behandeln - AniForte

Osteoarthritis in cats - treating joint problems naturally

Joint diseases in cats are not as rare as you might think. Our furry friends are masters at hiding pain, which is why many diseases in cats are unfortunately discovered far too late.
Wie lange leben Katzen? – Lebenserwartung und Durchschnittsalter - AniForte

How long do cats live? - Life expectancy and average age

Every cat owner wonders how much time they have left together in the course of their life with their feline companion. Everyone is aware that the life expectancy of cats is significantly lower than...
Deine Katze frisst nicht? Tipps und Tricks für mehr Appetit - AniForte

Is your cat not eating? Tips and tricks for more appetite

Cats are one of those animals that often give their owners a headache when it comes to food intake. They can be quite picky about their food and even go on hunger strike.
Die Top 7 der Fress-Gefahren für Dein Haustier zur Weihnachtszeit - AniForte

The top 7 eating dangers for your pet at Christmas time

Christmas - the most wonderful time of the year. It glitters, sparkles and shines everywhere, and the smell of cookies and mulled wine enchants us humans. But is this time also so contemplative for...
Clickertraining für Katzen - AniForte

Clicker training for cats

For cat lovers, clicker training with a cat will seem like a contradiction at first glance. Cats of all things, these headstrong animals, whose independence is particularly appreciated, should be a...
Das Katzenfutter - Wie viel Zucker ist drin? - AniForte

Cat food - How much sugar is in it?

Are our cats sugar junkies? Conventional cat food often contains a high proportion of sugar. This can cause illness in our furry friends. Today, our veterinary practitioner explains why sugar is of...
Beruhigungsmittel für Katzen und Hunde – Natürliche Hilfe an Silvester - AniForte

Sedatives for cats and dogs - natural help on New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve is still a few weeks away. Too early to start thinking about a relaxing evening with your pet? Today I'll explain why it's worth starting now with natural alternatives for calming down.