Weihnachtsgeschenke für Hund & Katze - Eine Tierische Bescherung - AniForte

Christmas presents for dogs & cats - An animal treat

Is your four-legged friend getting a present for Christmas? For most pet owners, their dog or cat is more than just a pet, but a family member, friend and trusted companion. This has given rise to ...
Der Winter als Zeckensaison – Winterzecke breitet sich weiter aus - AniForte

Winter is tick season - winter ticks continue to spread

Spring and summer used to be the most active months for ticks, but now these pests also plague humans and animals in winter. The alluvial forest tick, also known as the winter tick, has significant...
Einen guten Tierarzt finden - AniForte

Find a good vet

One of the most important decisions for the health of our animals is choosing the right vet. Not only external factors play a role here, the chemistry and trust must also be right.
Dürfen Hunde Kürbis essen? - AniForte

Can dogs eat pumpkin?

Hard shell, soft core - this proverb also applies to the pumpkin. Pumpkins have been a popular food in Europe since the 16th century. We like to use it in soups, cakes or salads and enjoy its color...
Hund vor Mittelmeererkrankungen schützen  - Tierarzt-Sprechstunde - AniForte

Protect your dog from Mediterranean diseases - Veterinary consultation

Summertime is travel time. However, if you want to take your dog with you to southern countries, you should inform yourself in advance about the risk of infection from diseases in the individual re...
Tierschutzverein Kreis Heinsberg – Das Tierheim mit der persönlichen Note - AniForte

Tierschutzverein Kreis Heinsberg - The animal shelter with a personal touch

"Living animal welfare - giving a chance" is the motto of the animal shelter in Heinsberg. We visited the animal welfare association on site, gained a lot of interesting impressions and even manage...
Rasseportrait Border Terrier - AniForte

Breed portrait Border Terrier

In this article, we introduce you to the English-Scottish Border Terrier dog breed. Find out everything you need to know about this rough-haired companion and decide whether this little four-legged...
Welpen richtig füttern – Die beste Ernährung für Welpen und Junghunde - AniForte

Feeding puppies properly - The best diet for puppies and young dogs

Your new family member will soon be moving in. Or do you already have your puppy at home and are enjoying your little furry friend?
Rasseportrait Zwergpinscher - AniForte

Breed portrait Miniature Pinscher

Are you interested in the Miniature Pinscher breed or are you even considering getting a Miniature Pinscher puppy or an adult dog?