Notfall-Plan für Silvester - AniForte

Emergency plan for New Year's Eve

In last week's articles "New Year's Eve is just around the corner again - help for dogs and cats" and "How to make New Year's Eve as relaxed as possible", I gave you an overview of what you can do ...
Gastritis - Was Deinem Hund auf den Magen schlägt - AniForte

Gastritis - What can upset your dog's stomach

Inflammation of the stomach is common in dogs and can have a variety of causes. As with us humans, this can lead to nausea, cramps or abdominal pain in dogs.
Es muss nicht immer Pfötchengeben sein – 5 Hundetricks für Fortgeschrittene - AniForte

It doesn't always have to be pawing - 5 dog tricks for advanced users

Dogs are curious contemporaries, they get bored quickly and need to be exercised regularly. Otherwise, your faithful human friend can show its disobedient and cheeky side. Practicing tricks can ban...
Das juckende Ende: Wenn die Analdrüsen dem Hund Probleme machen - AniForte

The itchy end: When the anal glands cause problems for dogs

Very few dog owners pay much attention to their dog's anal glands - until they cause problems.
Cani-Cross - Interview mit Nina Windhausen - AniForte

Cani-Cross - Interview with Nina Windhausen

Nina Windhausen is the German cani-cross champion and a passionate animal lover. In our interview, she tells us a little about herself, the sport and her animals.
Welcher Hund passt zu mir? - AniForte

Which dog suits me?

Would you like to get a dog and are looking for the right breed? Or have you already decided on a particular dog breed but are not sure whether this dog really suits you?
Leberwurst für Hunde selber machen – Rezept des Monats - AniForte

Make your own liver sausage for dogs - recipe of the month

Dogs love liverwurst! Alongside dog treats, liverwurst is one of the most popular foods for training, education and motivation.
Quarantäne mit Hund - Was tun, wenn Herrchen oder Frauchen mal nicht raus können? - AniForte

Quarantine with a dog - What to do if your owner can't go out?

What should I do with my dog if I have to go into quarantine? In contrast to the curfew, there is a strict ban on going outside under quarantine regulations.
5 Dinge, die helfen Arthrose vorzubeugen - AniForte

5 things that help prevent osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis and joint pain are among the most common complaints in dogs today. To ensure that your four-legged friend remains your active companion for a long time, I would like to give you some...