Wie alt werden Hunde? – Labrador, Beagle und Co. - AniForte

How old do dogs get? - Labrador, Beagle and Co.

We love our dogs and we want them to stay with us for a very long time. However, we also know that a dog's life expectancy is limited.
Rasseportrait Shih Tzu – Ein kleiner Mönch auf Abwegen - AniForte

Breed portrait Shih Tzu - A little monk on the wrong track

Are you looking for a small dog breed that is well tolerated, suitable as a first dog and also loves children? Then the Shih Tzu is just the right animal companion for you.
Erkältung Hund - Was tun, wenn der Hund erkältet ist? - AniForte

Dog cold - What to do if your dog has a cold?

The cold season brings one wave of colds after another. It doesn't just affect humans, but can also make itself felt in our pets. Does your dog have a cold or cough and you don't know what to do?
Rasseportrait Australian Kelpie - AniForte

Breed portrait Australian Kelpie

Are you looking for a sporty and agile companion that is also easy to care for and loyal? Then the Australian Kelpie is just right for you.
Rasseportrait Havaneser – Kleiner Exot aus Europa - AniForte

Breed portrait Havanese - Small exotic from Europe

Today we are introducing you to a dog breed that is exotic in name but has its roots in southern Europe: The Havanese.
Rasseportrait Chinesischer Schopfhund - AniForte

Breed portrait Chinese Crested Dog

In this breed portrait, we introduce you to the Chinese Crested Dog, its character and show you whether this dog breed is right for you.
Kurzurlaub mit dem Hund - AniForte

Short vacation with the dog

For many families, the dog is a permanent member of the family. A short vacation with a dog is a great break from the hectic pace of everyday life. With certain tricks, you can ensure a relaxing va...
Rasseportrait Cavalier King Charles Spaniel - AniForte

Breed portrait Cavalier King Charles Spaniel

Are you looking for a gentle companion on four paws? Then you should take a closer look at the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Charlie or simply Cavalier.
Welpenerziehung ist wichtig - AniForte

Puppy training is important

Puppies are cute, which is why they are loved by everyone and puppy training is essential. If you want your dog to behave well later on, you need to start training it early.