Dürfen Hunde Äpfel essen? - AniForte

Can dogs eat apples?

Germany's favorite fruit - the apple. There is hardly any other type of fruit that is as numerous and widespread in German supermarkets and organic markets as the apple.
Dürfen Hunde Milch trinken? - AniForte

Can dogs drink milk?

Milk is a popular drink for many people, not only children but also many adults. For many dog lovers, however, the question often arises: Can dogs drink milk?
10 Gründe, warum Hunde zittern - AniForte

10 reasons why dogs tremble

Have you ever asked yourself why dogs tremble? Sometimes even for no apparent reason?
Mein Hund hat Schuppen - Ursachen und Behandlung - AniForte

My dog has dandruff - causes and treatment

Some dandruff in a dog's coat is completely normal and can occur again and again as part of cell renewal. However, dandruff can also get out of hand and become a permanent condition.
Dürfen Hunde Erdbeeren essen? - AniForte

Can dogs eat strawberries?

With so much fruit and vegetables to choose from, have you ever wondered what my dog is actually allowed to eat and what is strictly forbidden?
Dürfen Hunde Weintrauben essen? - AniForte

Can dogs eat grapes?

Grapes are one of the most popular types of fruit in Germany. However, many dog owners also know that the red fruits are not at all healthy for their four-legged friends and can even be quite dange...
Dürfen Hunde Gurke essen? - AniForte

Can dogs eat cucumber?

"Can dogs eat cucumber?" is a frequently asked question by dog owners. Barfers know that many vegetables can be very dangerous for our four-legged friends.
Hundekekse backen – 7 einzigartige Rezepte - AniForte

Baking dog cookies - 7 unique recipes

Would you like to bake dog cookies yourself and are still looking for the right recipe? We have put together natural dog cookie recipes for you and your darling.
Krallen schneiden beim Hund – So klappt`s ohne Schmerzen - AniForte

Cutting your dog's claws - how to do it without pain

Dogs also need a pedicure from time to time, although most four-legged friends probably don't enjoy it as much.