Ein Welpe zieht ein – Erster Tag: Dein Hundewelpen Ratgeber - AniForte

A puppy moves in - First day: Your dog puppy guide

A puppy moves in and initially upsets the family, the apartment and the schedule. As cute as the little rascals are, a puppy's first day is always something new and exciting. But nervousness and un...
Sommer-Schur beim Hund? - AniForte

Summer shearing for dogs?

Dogs pant a lot in the heat and give their masters or mistresses the feeling that they are suffering greatly from the summer temperatures. Many people resort to summer shearing as a measure.
Wenn Hunde reisen – was Dein Vierbeiner für einen entspannten Urlaub braucht - AniForte

When dogs travel - what your four-legged friend needs for a relaxed vacation

Summertime is travel time - and of course it's also wonderful with a dog. However, dogs react very differently to travel stress. Some traveling dogs perceive it as an announcement of an adventure, ...
Frühjahrsmüdigkeit beim Hund - AniForte

Spring fatigue in dogs

The sun is shining outside, just the right time to take your dog for a long walk. But your four-legged friend seems to be stressed, tired and listless? Is he pacing several meters behind you on the...
Ach, du dickes Ding! 5 Tipps gegen Übergewicht bei Hund und Katze - AniForte

Oh, you fat thing! 5 tips against obesity in dogs and cats

A treat here, a snack there - in part 1 of our article on the topic of "Obesity in dogs and cats", I mentioned the reasons why our four-legged friends put on weight - and how you can prevent it fro...
Futterunverträglichkeit beim Hund – Der Ursache auf der Spur I - AniForte

Food intolerances in dogs - tracking down the cause - PART 1

Food intolerances and food allergies in dogs are not the same thing, as you will know from the first part on food intolerances at the latest. However, both food intolerances and allergies are cause...
Weihnachtsgewürze – Was schmeckt auch feinen Hundenasen zum Fest? - AniForte

Christmas spices - What tastes good to even the finest dog noses at Christmas?

The smell of vanilla, aniseed, clove and cinnamon conjures up a unique Christmas atmosphere in every room, making us look forward to the festive season. But can these natural aromas also be good fo...
Fell & Haut: Die richtige Pflege für Deinen Hund zur Winterzeit - AniForte

Coat & skin: The right care for your dog in winter

Cold, ice and hot air. When winter sets in outside, we are not the only ones who have to dress warmly. Especially in the cold season, our pets' fur and skin need special attention. In the third ins...
Mein Hund hat Durchfall - Was tun? - AniForte

My dog has diarrhea - What should I do?

Does your dog have diarrhea? This is not as rare as you might think. It can be just a temporary gastrointestinal upset or have more serious causes.