Dürfen Hunde Mais essen? - AniForte

Can dogs eat corn?

Corn is a popular and healthy ingredient for salads, chili con carne or even bread. But what is good for humans is by no means good for our dogs.
Dürfen Hunde Nüsse essen? - AniForte

Can dogs eat nuts?

We love our dogs and like to spoil them. But there are foods that are not always healthy for dogs or can even be dangerous. Are nuts one of them?
Zecken Halsband Hund – Wie gefährlich ist es? - AniForte

Tick collar dog - How dangerous is it?

Depending on the region, it is tick season from spring to fall. We therefore recommend that you start thinking about the right tick collar for your dog at the end of winter.
Dürfen Hunde Banane essen? - AniForte

Can dogs eat bananas?

Bananas are full of nutrients that are not only good for us two-legged friends, but are also healthy for our four-legged friends.
Dürfen Hunde Paprika essen? - AniForte

Can dogs eat peppers?

Peppers are a very vitamin-rich vegetable. It can be found in cooked or raw form on our menu. But what's good for humans doesn't necessarily have to be healthy for dogs?
BARF Futterplan Hund – Der ideale Speiseplan für Deinen Vierbeiner - AniForte

BARF dog food plan - The ideal meal plan for your four-legged friend

If you have decided to barf your dog, barf feeding plans are a good way to get a routine into the new everyday life. But what exactly does that mean?
Hund barfen – So barfst Du richtig mit AniForte! - AniForte

Dog barfing - How to barf properly with AniForte!

Barfing dogs has become increasingly important in recent years. Not least because of unsafe dog food production and numerous allergies, intolerances and modern diseases in dogs.
Zahngesundheit beim Hund - Gesunde Zähne bis ins hohe Alter - AniForte

Dental health in dogs - healthy teeth into old age

Dental care for dogs is an often neglected topic. However, many dog owners fail to recognize the importance of healthy teeth in dogs.
Entwurmung Hund - Die häufigsten Darmparasiten - AniForte

Deworming dogs - The most common intestinal parasites

As cute as our four-legged friends are, they can also pose a health risk to us humans and other animals. An important health issue for pets is deworming.