Hund barfen – So barfst Du richtig mit AniForte! - AniForte

Dog barfing - How to barf properly with AniForte!

Barfing dogs has become increasingly important in recent years. Not least because of unsafe dog food production and numerous allergies, intolerances and modern diseases in dogs.

Barfing dogs has become increasingly important in recent years. Not least because of unsafe dog food production and numerous allergies, intolerances and modern diseases in dogs. Many pet owners are therefore switching to freshly prepared dog food. Raw feeding is therefore very much in vogue. We will introduce you to the topic of BARF for dogs and explain whether BARF is healthy, the advantages and disadvantages of switching to raw feeding and which BARF food supplements prevent malnutrition.

BARF dogs - What does it mean to BARF dogs?

Rumor has it that the term BARF was coined by the American Debbie Tripp. The original meaning was "Born-Again Raw Feeders" and was aimed at the rebirth of the dog's original diet. Over time, the meaning has changed: "Bones And Raw Food" is now common in the USA and translates as "bones and raw food". In German, the definition of BARF has been reinterpreted as "Biologisch Artgerechtes Rohes Futter".

Dog owners are guided by the diet of wild animals, in the case of dogs by their descent from wolves. Both wolves and dogs are carnivores and therefore meat eaters. The basis of a dog's diet is raw meat, offal and bones, supplemented with fresh or cooked vegetables and fruit, herbs and oils. This natural diet is adapted to the individual needs of the animal.

An alternative to raw feeding is cooked barfing, which is also becoming increasingly popular. In this method, pet owners cook the raw meat and offal beforehand. However, the meal is combined with cooked vegetables, fresh fruit and nutrient-rich oils and herbs, just as in the original Barfen method.

Barf Complete for dogs

Dog barfing - Is barfing healthy?

Many pet owners wonder whether dog barfing is really healthy. Pet owners who bark their dogs consistently report positive results. After switching to a raw diet, dogs seem more energetic, healthier and suffer less from bloating, gastrointestinal disorders or allergies. Teeth and gums also benefit from raw food, as chewing activity is stimulated and the dog's natural dental care is supported. Another advantage of barfing dogs: The risk of gastric torsion is significantly reduced as the dog utilizes the nutrients faster and better.

However, whether dog barfing is healthy depends largely on the extent to which the daily feeding is tailored to the needs of the four-legged friend. If the raw food contains too many animal proteins and too few minerals and vitamins, dogs can quickly become over- or undersupplied. Deficiency symptoms are the result and can trigger illnesses in your four-legged friend if left untreated. Disorders of the microflora in the intestines can also be caused by an unbalanced diet. At AniForte you will find all the products you need to barf your dog.

How should a dog be barfed correctly?

The most important aspect of proper dog barfing is the composition of the barf menu. The main ingredient in dog barfing is meat. This is supplemented with offal, bones and occasionally fish. While bones ensure the supply of important minerals such as calcium and phosphorus, offal provides plenty of iron, B vitamins, vitamin K and selenium. Fish, on the other hand, is an important source of omega-3 fatty acids. This supports your pet's cell formation, coat shine and skin health. Alternatively, high-quality salmon oil can also provide your dog with essential fatty acids.

Premium Futteröl Barf

However, the composition of the food and the amount of food should primarily depend on your dog's temperament and activity level. To do this, you need to know your four-legged friend well: Is he very active, runs around a lot and really enjoys fast sprints? Or is he more of a creature that can't be disturbed?

With normal physical activity, a dog should generally consume around 3 % of its own body weight in food per day. For dogs that have physically and mentally demanding tasks, such as hunting and herding dogs, the energy requirement and therefore the need for food is correspondingly higher.

Composition of raw feed for dogs:

  • 80 % meat (including offal, blood and bones)
  • 20 % vegetables and fruit
  • As an additive: natural BARF oils and herbs

Futterpyramide barfen

A ratio of 70 % meat to 30 % fruit and vegetables is also acceptable and is particularly suitable for calmer and older dogs. If the proportion of meat is less than 70 %, this can lead to a significant imbalance in the dog's protein supply. Proteins are proteins that are needed to maintain the body's substance and for the formation of new tissue, such as muscles, bones, connective tissue, skin and hair. Exceptions are diseases that require a diet with a meat content of less than 70%.

Dog barfing disadvantages - the downsides of raw feeding for dogs

However, dogs should not be fed exclusively on meat when barfing. This can lead to them consuming far too much protein. This results in an oversupply of protein. Too little offal and fruit and vegetables can also lead to a nutrient deficiency in dogs. Studies have shown that dogs that were given too little liver and vegetables had a vitamin A/β-carotene deficit. In addition, fresh fruit and vegetables provide important minerals for your four-legged friend, which would be lacking if they only ate meat.

If you are not sure about the mineral supply, you can supplement your dog's BARF diet with a mineral mix for all-round BARF nutrition. These supplements contain all the important minerals for a balanced diet for your four-legged friend.

When feeding fresh vegetables, it should also be noted that the dog's stomach cannot break down the cell walls of this plant-based food. As a result, the animal's body cannot optimally utilize the nutrients. Fresh vegetables should therefore be pureed or lightly pre-cooked before feeding. Our mixture of fruit, vegetables and herbs or other supplementary flakes are suitable alternatives. They consist of dried fruit and vegetables and only need to be softened in warm water for a few minutes before feeding.

Advantages and disadvantages of dog barfing

We have summarized the advantages and disadvantages of barfing dogs below:

Advantages of dog barfing:

  • an intact immune system of the dog
  • Less inherent odor
  • Less parasite infestation
  • Shiny coat and healthy skin
  • good digestibility of the individual components, therefore smaller amounts of feces
  • improved musculature
  • Relief for arthritic diseases
  • Less inflammation in the body
  • Growth problems are reduced
  • Risk of stomach torsion is significantly reduced
  • Less tartar and gum problems due to prolonged chewing
  • Relief of the metabolic organs
  • Full control over the composition of the food - particularly important for allergy sufferers and dogs with intolerances
  • Flexible choice of ingredients
  • Hardly any loss of nutrients as everything is freshly prepared
  • No unnecessary additives

Disadvantages of barfing dogs:

  • The animal may first have to get used to barfing
  • The barf meat must be stored chilled in the freezer
  • Risk of infection with parasites, bacteria and viruses - also zoonotic potential -> Careful hygiene is mandatory
  • Oversupply or undersupply of nutrients, especially during the growth phase, possible developmental disorders

If you or your four-legged friend are not yet ready to switch to barf dog food, we also have high-quality dog food in our store.

Barf meat - Which meat is suitable for barfing dogs?

As a source of animal protein, almost any meat is suitable for barfing dogs. The most common type of meat is beef, followed by poultry, horse, rabbit, lamb and game. Of course, these types of meat can also be combined. However, you should not experiment too much. If your dog has any intolerances, you must be able to switch to meats that have never been fed before.

Raw pork - both wild boar and domestic pork - should never be fed to dogs. This is because raw pork can transmit the Aujeszky's virus. While the virus is harmless to humans, an infection in dogs and cats can lead to death within a few days. If you still want to feed your dog pork, you should cook it thoroughly beforehand.

You should also be careful when feeding bones. Chicken necks, duck carcasses and veal cartilage are particularly suitable. They are soft and can also be easily chewed by small dogs. However, dogs are also happy with large meaty bones, which they can nibble on for a particularly long time. However, when feeding bones, you must be careful not to feed too much at once. More than 10 grams of bones per kilogram of body weight per day can lead to constipation and bone faeces in your four-legged friend. In the worst case, this can even lead to intestinal perforation.

Frequently fed meats for dog barfing:

  • Beef, lamb, goat, horse, game, rabbit: Muscle meat, heart, kidney, rumen, gizzard, liver, gullet, head meat, all bones, especially the softer ones such as breastbone.
  • Poultry: Whole chickens, necks, backs, eggs with shells, duck, turkey and ostrich
  • Fish: Whole raw fish
  • And of course vegetables and herbs
  • Never raw pork!

    Unsure about barfing your dog? We at AniForte will be happy to help you!

    If you also want to start barfing your dog, it is a good idea to create a BARF diet plan, especially at the beginning. You can either research this yourself or consult your vet. Our veterinary practitioners can also help you to put together the right BARF menu for your pet. The best way to contact them is via our free service hotline (0800 - 450 415), in our chat or by email( Simply contact us without obligation. We will be happy to advise you on the subject of dog barfing.