Rollige Katze – Das kannst Du jetzt tun! - AniForte

Curly cat - What you can do now!

Do you have a cat in heat that meows all the time? Or are you not sure how to recognize when your cat is in heat?
Hyperthyreose - Schilddrüsenüberfunktion bei Katzen - AniForte

Hyperthyroidism - hyperthyroidism in cats

If your older cat becomes restless or even aggressive, this could be due to the thyroid gland. Hyperthyroidism is the most common hormonal (endocrine) disease in cats.
Barfen Katze – Erste Schritte bei der Rohfütterung - AniForte

Barfen cat - First steps in raw feeding

Renal insufficiency, diabetes, allergies and gastrointestinal diseases are widespread everyday illnesses in cats and have even increased in recent years.
Gefährlicher Trend: Wildkatzen auf der Couch - AniForte

Dangerous trend: wild cats on the couch

Hybrid cats are all the rage, but are they dangerously beautiful? Find out whether the offspring of wild cats will fit into your living room.
Katzen im Fellwechsel: Wie Du als Besitzer unterstützen kannst - AniForte

Cats changing their coat: How you can support them as an owner

Treacherous traces on carpets and upholstered furniture bear witness to an annual event during these weeks: It's time to change your cat's coat again.
Katzen bei Hitze - Tipps zur Abkühlung - AniForte

Cats in the heat - tips for cooling down

Cats are former desert animals and are therefore not sensitive to high temperatures in summer. But the times when they roamed the sand and hunted their prey between rocks are over.
Wurmkur für Katzen – wie Du den Parasiten auf die Schliche kommst - AniForte

Worming treatment for cats - how to get to the bottom of the parasites

Spring is hunting season for cats, which increases the risk of infection with worms. This is because, in addition to hunted small animals, your proud pet also brings parasites into the house.
Katzenflöhe mit natürlichen Mitteln bekämpfen - AniForte

Fighting cat fleas with natural remedies

Cat fleas love it when the temperature rises and they can multiply undisturbed in your household. But how can you prevent the pesky cat fleas from driving you crazy?
Hilfe bei Katzenschnupfen - AniForte

Help with cat colds

In the cold seasons, it's not just us humans who get colds, many cats also come home with a cold.