Eichenprozessionsspinner bei Haustieren - AniForte

Oak processionary moth in pets

The poisonous stinging hairs of the oak processionary moth can cause severe respiratory distress in dogs and cats. Our vet, Philipp Schledorn, explains how dogs and cats react to contact with the h...
Zeckenbiss Hund – wie gefährlich ist ein Biss? - Tierarzt-Sprechstunde - AniForte

Tick bite dog - how dangerous is a bite? - Veterinary consultation

Ticks can be found on meadows, trees and bushes, especially between March and October. Even if a tick bite is initially a nuisance for you and your dog, it carries great risks.
Tierarzt-Sprechstunde: Vestibularsyndrom beim Hund - AniForte

Veterinary consultation: Vestibular syndrome in dogs

Today, AniForte interviews vet Philip Schledorn about vestibular syndrome in dogs. This is a disorder of the sense of balance that occurs without warning.
Fellwechsel beim Hund – Hundefell richtig pflegen - AniForte

Changing your dog's coat - how to care for your dog's coat properly

Some dogs are already starting to shed. During this time, dog hair is commonplace on the sofa, in the car, on clothing and on the carpet.
Pfotenpflege Hund - 5 Tipps für gesunde Hundepfoten im Winter - AniForte

Dog paw care - 5 tips for healthy dog paws in winter

What could be nicer than a leisurely winter walk through fresh, crunchy snow with your four-legged friend?
Zwingerhusten beim Hund - 5 natürliche Tipps, wenn Dein Hund hustet - AniForte

Kennel cough in dogs - 5 natural tips if your dog is coughing

Many dogs now catch it in winter: kennel cough is a widespread infection of the upper respiratory tract, and it's also contagious!
Hund und Katze zusammen im Haushalt - AniForte

Dog and cat together in the household

Dogs and cats are among the most popular pets in German households. Some animal lovers therefore want to live with both.
Arthrose beim Hund - Wenn die Gelenke schmerzen - AniForte

Osteoarthritis in dogs - when the joints hurt

Osteoarthritis is one of the most common diseases of the musculoskeletal system in dogs. However, it is no longer a disease of old age, but also affects young dogs.
5 Tipps, wie Dein Senior Hund gesund & aktiv bleibt - AniForte

5 tips on how to keep your senior dog healthy & active

Is your dog six years old or older? Then he is generally much calmer than he used to be, but also more susceptible to discomfort and illness.