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Positiv für die Herzfunktion
Unterstützt das Herz-Kreislauf-System
Gleicht Taurinmangel aus
Ohne Zusätze
AniForte® Taurine powder for dogs is ideal as a daily supplement - even when fed raw. For dogs, taurine is an amino acid that the body can synthesize itself. Depending on age, weight and energy, the requirement can fluctuate, which is why supplementation can make sense. This vital substance is particularly important for maintaining normal heart function and supporting the cardiovascular system.
Taurine is a necessary amino acid for various bodily functions in dogs - just like in cats. The difference is that dogs are able to synthesize taurine themselves from the amino acids methionine and cysteine. The requirement can vary depending on age, weight and energy - a taurine deficiency can often be observed in larger dog breeds in particular, such as Newfoundlands. Taurine is not present in sufficient quantities in many types of ready-made food, as it is largely overcooked during heating and thus in the production of the food. AniForte® Taurine powder can compensate for your pet's daily requirement and also has a positive effect on normal heart function.
The vital substance is also essential for maintaining a healthy retina, supporting the immune system and other metabolic processes.
Thousands of happy customers have trusted AniForte® taurine powder for dogs for years. The product is particularly valued as a valuable feed supplement that provides a balanced supply of the essential amino acid.
Our AniForte® products are developed in close cooperation with alternative practitioners, nutrition experts and veterinarians to support the healthy development of your pet.
Hunde: 0,5 g täglich
(1 Dosierlöffel entspricht 0,8 g)
Das Taurin kann einfach unter das tägliche Futter gemischt werden.
Empfohlene Werte für den Höchstgehalt an Taurin/kg Alleinfuttermittel mit einem Feuchtigkeitsgehalt von 12 % sind 2.500 mg.
Hinweis: In gut verschlossenen Behältern kühl und trocken lagern. Nach Anbruch wieder verschließen. Vor Hitze und direkter Sonneneinstrahlung schützen. Vor Feuchtigkeit schützen.
Haltbarkeitsdauer: 24 Monate ab Herstellungsdatum in Originalverpackung bei sachgerechter Lagerung.
Taurin (3a370)
Wirkstoffgehalt: 980.000 mg Taurin je kg
CAS-Nr.: 107-35-7
Tierart: Canidae
α DE NW 1 53731
Außerhalb der Reichweite von Kindern aufbewahren. Bei der Handhabung sind Atemschutz, Augenschutz und Hautschutz zu tragen.
Nach Augenkontakt: Kontaktlinsen entfernen. Auge 10 - 15 Minuten unter fließendem Wasser bei weitgespreizten Lidern spülen. Sofort in augenärztliche Behandlung.