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100 % natürlicher Zeolith
Zur Pflege von Hühnern & Geflügel
Einzigartige Bindefähigkeit von Stoffen
Ideal gegen Parasiten
AniForte® Dust bath for chickens is a purely natural product made from natural minerals and belongs in every chicken coop. The dry bath for poultry is free from synthetic chemical additives of any kind, because animal welfare is important to us. The quality of the eggs and poultry is not affected.
The high-quality poultry litter is made from the natural rock powder zeolite. The fine powder binds odors, pollutants and toxins and has the ability to absorb and store liquids. Moisture between the chickens' feathers and on their skin is quickly absorbed. In addition, the dust bath for chickens mineralizes manure and other soiling.
Our AniForte® dust bath for chickens and poultry is ideal for skin and plumage care. It adheres to the plumage and foot pads so that the animals spread it around the house and, as an additional side effect, combats parasites in the environment. The chicken dust bath offers the animals a meaningful activity, feather pecking and stress in the flock are significantly reduced. If there is an acute parasite infestation, we recommend the use of mite STOP powder. The powder effectively kills mites and frees your animals from the annoying pests. The mite STOP spray is also suitable for use directly on the animal.
The used zeolite has two functions for further use - as a composting aid or natural fertilizer.
The unique mineral structure binds ammonium, nitrogen and other nutrients and releases them into the soil in a controlled manner. This promotes the pH value and aeration of the soil and improves the root and water system of the plants.
In addition, zeolite serves as a colonization surface for microorganisms and thus supports faster through-composting in a purely natural way. Alternatively, the AniForte® dust bath can be disposed of as normal with household waste.
Our products are developed by veterinary practitioners and animal nutritionists. The latest scientific findings are combined with traditional healing methods to provide our pets with the best possible care.
The dust bath for chickens from AniForte® is ideal for treating your chickens to some wellness! If you have any questions about our products, please contact us! Our team will be happy to help you!
100 % natürlicher Zeolith (5 - 50 µm)
Als Staubbad:
Bei einer 0,75 - 1,0 m² großen Staubbad-Fläche das Einstreumaterial durch ca. 5 kg AniForte® Staubbad ersetzen.
Alle 5 - 7 Tage sollte das verbrauchte Pulver aus dem Staubbad herausgenommen und durch neues Pulver ersetzt werden.
Als Einstreu:
Das Einstreu im Verhältnis 75:25 mit AniForte® Staubbad mischen.
Hinweis: Trocken und verpackt lagern.
Hinweis zur sachgerechten Anwendung: Staub nicht einatmen, bei hoher Staubentwicklung einen Atemschutz tragen.