4 Herausforderungen für Dein Pferd im Winter - AniForte

4 challenges for your horse in winter

Horses are particularly challenged by the change of seasons between fall and winter. The harsh season not only brings with it a change of coat, but your animal's digestive and immune system also ha...
Pferde im Winter: Fit für die Winterweide - AniForte

Horses in winter: Fit for winter grazing

Horses are true outdoorsmen, because they feel comfortable even in the snow and cold. Lots of fresh air, exercise and variety is good for your favorite four-legged friend - regardless of the season.
Pferde einreiten leicht gemacht - AniForte

Riding in horses made easy

Breaking in a horse means that the flight animal must first undergo thorough training. The horse is only broken in when it is sufficiently mature and able to cope with the strain.
Pferde anweiden – So machst Du es richtig - AniForte

Grazing horses - how to do it right

Grazing is one of the horse's basic needs, even if many horse owners prefer to keep their animals in a box or stable. If you would like to let your horse graze on fresh spring pasture again after a...
Herpesvirus bei Pferdeturnier ausgebrochen - AniForte

Herpes virus outbreak at horse show

The highly contagious herpes virus type EHV-1 has broken out at the international horse show in Valencia. Over 100 horses are currently being treated, 10 animals have already died from the disease ...
Parasiten bei Pferden - Die häufigsten Plagegeister - AniForte

Parasites in horses - the most common pests

Like many other animals, horses are not immune to parasites. They are ideal hosts for many parasites due to their habitat in stables, sometimes with other members of the same species, eating in mea...
Jakobskreuzkraut - für Pferde eine gefährliche Weidepflanze - AniForte

Ragwort - a dangerous pasture plant for horses

Our veterinary practitioner Angelica explains how to recognize the poisonous plant in the meadow and how to take precautions for your horse.
Pferde & Insekten: So wirst Du die lästigen Plagegeister wieder los - AniForte

Horses & insects: How to get rid of the annoying pests

During the summer months, horses and riders are often annoyed by the flying pests buzzing around them. However, they are not only annoying, but can also be a health hazard.
Fellwechsel Pferd – Ein Kraftakt im Frühjahr - AniForte

Changing your horse's coat - a feat of strength in spring

With the start of spring, horses slowly begin to shed their coats. Horses begin to shed their thick winter coats.