+220 Punkte
ZeckenSchild Kapseln - AniForte
Tick Shield Capsules
Tick Shield Capsules
Tick Shield Capsules
ZeckenSchild Kapseln - AniForte
ZeckenSchild Kapseln - AniForte
ZeckenSchild Kapseln - AniForte
Tick Shield Capsules
ZeckenSchild Kapseln - AniForte
ZeckenSchild Kapseln - AniForte
ZeckenSchild Kapseln - AniForte
ZeckenSchild Kapseln - AniForte
ZeckenSchild Kapseln - AniForte
ZeckenSchild Kapseln - AniForte

Tick Shield Capsules

Effective combination of brewer's yeast & vitamin B1

+220 Punkte

60 capsules with high acceptance

Supplementary feed for the natural skin barrier

Rich in vitamin B1

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Weight of the dog: 0 - 10 kg

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93% sind tierisch zufrieden

30-Tage Rückgaberecht

TickShield capsules for dogs

Supports protection against ticks

AniForte® ZeckenSchild capsules help to support the natural skin metabolism and can help your four-legged friend to maintain the natural skin barrier.

AniForte® ZeckenSchild capsules consist of a special combination of brewer's yeast and thiamine - also known as vitamin B1. Vitamin B influences various metabolic processes in the body and can, among other things, cause the natural skin odor to change - barely noticeably for humans.

A 2019study at showed that dogs fed a brewer's yeast-thiamine complex had a significantly lower number of ticks than those not fed the complex. From this it can be deduced that a combination of brewer's yeast and thiamine can have a repellent effect on ticks.

In addition, some dry or wet food does not contain enough thiamine, which can have a negative effect on normal vitamin B metabolism (it should be noted that cats need three times as much thiamine as dogs). The AniForte® ZeckenSchild capsules support a normal supply of vitamin B, as this has an effect on many areas of the body's health maintenance.

Our special combination of brewer's yeast and thiamine - also known as vitamin B1 - provides a vitality-friendly and odorless formula that is adapted to your pet's necessary needs through mixing and grinding processes. Our tried and tested mixture helps to maintain your pet's natural skin barrier.

Thousands of happy customers already rely on these classics from AniForte® and let their pets run carefree in dense grasses again. The good acceptance of the capsules is also widely praised.

For year-round support, we recommend our Spot on for dogs.

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